Member and Guest Services

Check out the CBHSNA’s new store front from Tri State printing. Great Society apparel.

NEW Cleveland Bay Chronicle deadlines. Check your Summer Bay Watch for more details. For 2024, All submissions (articles and ads):
Please send articles and ads print ready (meaning NO edits need to be made). If you need help, it is best to ask, and we will send you guidance and make small edits. Submit as ODT, or JPEG files. PDF will NOT be accepted. PDF makes the editors lives very difficult. If you send Word documents, know we will have to “copy and paste,” and will have to place pictures in. We can do that, but for the sake of time, it’s easier if it comes ready. Material due September 1

Recommended photo resolution is 300 dpi, 1200 x 750 pixels

For Articles:
Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt for text body; and
12pt bold for titles.
Full justification.
Please limit “Member Contributions” articles to 350 words
and two (2) photos.

To assist with visualization, this page is set to Times New Roman, 10 pt, with the title in Times New Roman, 12 pt.

This paragraph is set to “Justified” (also known as “Full” justification).

Ad space must be pre-paid. Create your own or pay for professional design (see bottom of this page).
Choose your own font and point size. Ads must be print ready (NO edits will be made) and submitted as PDF.
Dimensions below take into account the 0.25” margins, where applicable.

Please Note:
Google Hard drive allows people to upload pictures and articles and share the album with others without the risk of reducing the DPI or quality to email it.

Do not download items from the internet and expect them to print well. The internet DPI is 72-150, unless you pay for the picture or the ad and then you receive a good quality one.

Advertising: Ad space must be pre-paid. Create your own or pay for professional design (see bottom of this page). Choose your own font and point size. Ads must be print ready (NO edits will be made) and submitted as PDF. Dimensions below take into account the 0.25” margins, where applicable.
Page Dimensions

(height x width, in inches)


Full Page 8.0 “ x 5.0” $ 65
1/2 Page 5.0” x 4.0” $ 40
1/4 Page 4.0” x 2.5” $ 30
Business Card 1.75” x 2.5” $20

Back page is available at $ 90

Chronicle will be limited to 50 pages, so get your articles and adverts in early.

Please specify the general topic you want articles and pictures upon sending them. (Around the Farms, Lost/Found, Performance Awards, etc.)

Designs by Rachel is available to create ads for anyone not comfortable creating their own. For more information on this service, please contact Rachel Hawkes at or phone 817.881.1455.

Partbred mare

Board Meetings
Board Meetings are usually held monthly.  If you would like a copy of approved meeting minutes; contact the CBHSNA Secretary with your request.  Members are welcome to audit (listen in on) the Board Meetings.  To make arrangements to do so please contact the President or the Secretary.
Contact the Society
write:  P.O. Box  391
Jewett, Texas 75846
e-mail:  visit:

2023-2024 Board of Directors

Gabrielle Gordon, President
817.431.8775 Leave msg
Sharon Hanna, Vice President
Suzanne Mohler, Treasurer
Milinda Ellis, Secretary

Donna McDowell Sunshine and 2023 AGM
Margaret Grillet Driving and ADS
Melanie Miksovsky Instagram Administrator
Tracie Traver Nominations 2023-2024
Tracy LeGrand Assisting Membership and Breed Committee

Marketing, Breed, Performance Awards, and all other committees write

All members are welcome to join ALL committees.  Exception, the President may not be on the Nomination Committee.   All rules on Board elections, term of office, co- opting vacant seats, etc., may be found on the CBHSNA by laws available on the Membership page.

(E-Newsletter with hard copy to postal members).

The Baywatch is published quarterly (March/June/September/December). Submissions are due 3/15, 6/15, 9/15, and 12/15. Distribution is [usually] on/before the last day of the month, via email,  in PDF. Submit to or If submitting articles by post, send them to the official CBHSNA address.

Submission Format: 
Electronic submissions should be in either MS Word or ODT.  Photo submissions are limited  to JPG or PNG. Please include photo credit/permission. Submissions in PDF will be converted to JPG and scaled to fit into the newsletter. PLEASE PROOFREAD BEFORE SUBMISSION! 

The Board is working on times and locations for the 2023 AGM. If you would like to volunteer to help contact the CBHSNA Secretary  email .

Certificate of Incorporation
A copy of the CBHSNA Certificate of Incorporation can be obtained by contacting the CBHSNA Secretary with your request.