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Join the Cleveland Bay Horse Society of North America and help make a difference for an endangered breed!  The Cleveland Bay Horse Society of North America welcomes you and encourages you to become a member of the CBHSNA Society. As a member, you will contribute to the preservation of this versatile breed, invest in a Society with beginnings in the late 1880’s and have contact with other friendly supporters of the breed.

Upon becoming a member, you will receive a Welcome Package of information including our latest issue of the BayWatch. If you are a Cleveland Bay owner and a member, you are encouraged to participate in the Performance Awards program and will be eligible for awards and memorial trophies. Other benefits of membership are listed below. 

Membership Application

Fees in US dollars

North American Memberships

Individual Membership (North American resident) $ 45.00
Junior Membership (under age 18) $ 15.00
Family Membership $ 60.00

Lifetime Membership (1 person) $ 700.00
Additional donations welcome

North American Membership Options

Overseas Membership
Overseas Membership (see new lower rate) $ 50.00
Lifetime Membership (1 person) $ 700.00
Additional donations welcome

Overseas Membership Options

Payments may be made directly to our PayPal account by using the buttons above or contact our Treasurer with questions. You may also send checks and money orders to home address on the membership application.

Membership Guidelines

  1. Membership year runs as a calendar year (January 1st to December 31st)
  2. There will be one uniform membership application for all members to use. 
  3. Membership renewals for the 2024 calendar year are due by January 1, 2024.    If membership lapses, all personal, farm and breeder information will be subject for removed from society publications until membership dues are paid for that calendar year.
  4. It is the discretion of the Membership Services Committee to contact members that have not renewed and to encourage them to do so.

To Apply for Membership

  1. Download, print and complete the Membership Application and send it in the address provided with your membership payment.  


  1. Use the online application option using Paypal.  Choose the membership that applies to you and complete your payment.  You will be contacted by the Chair of the Membership Services Committee for additional personal information (address, etc.) not collected by the Paypal system  to complete your application.  
  2. Membership applications are reviewed by the board at the next board meeting.  You will then be supplied with a New Member Welcome Guide. 
  3. Contact our Membership Services Committee Chair with any questions about this process.

Member Benefits:

1. Voting Privileges. As a member of the CBHSNA, your vote counts toward the development of the Society, its programs and initiatives thereby making tangible and significant contribution to the forward progress of promoting, preserving and populating this breed worldwide.

2. Performance Awards Programs. As a member, you and your Cleveland Bays can participate in the Cleveland Bay Performance Awards Programs. These programs are designed specifically to reward the participants while benefiting the breed with public exposure. There are multiple awards as well as a variety of disciplines recognized.

3. Making a Difference. Membership funds help the Society continue to promote and preserve this critically endangered breed through Society sponsored programs, contributions to members for show and/or expo “presences,” various marketing efforts, critical genetic research and more.

4. Subscription to the “BayWatch”. The BayWatch is the CBHSNA’s Breed publication distributed four times a year containing various articles and information about you, the members, and your Cleveland Bay horses. The default method of delivery is electronic delivery, but is available via postal mail when circumstances warrant. Past feature issues of the BayWatch have included an annual Stallion issue, Mare Issue, and Performance Issue. The BayWatch editors welcome member articles, photos and advertisements. In addition to the BayWatch is the annually-published “Chronicle of the Cleveland Bay Horse in North America.” The “Chronicle” is a book published annually, at year end, and distributed to the membership via mail. This book is a culmination of all things Cleveland Bay for that year in North America.

5. Free Advertising. Members are permitted up to five ‘for sale’ listings (at any given time) on the CBHSNA website and newsletter free of charge. These advertisements can also be accompanied by a series of photos, also free of charge. Members may request to be added to the Farms and Breeders page of the CBHSNA’s website.

6. Annual General Meeting. Each year the CBHSNA holds an annual general meeting for its members. Some AGMs are face-to-face meetings, while some are “virtual” meetings held via video- or telephonic-conferencing. These meetings provide a chance for all members to gather, network, share ideas, and most-importantly, conduct society business and vote on critical issues. All members are invited to the Annual General Meeting and encouraged to participate in all events which have included: clinics, farm tours, dinners, and more.

7. Members’ Voice – This benefit provides the CBHSNA membership an opportunity to share their own personal stories. You are invited to share your story by submitting an article about you, your farm, your Cleveland Bays or any Cleveland Bay related achievement that you wish to recount. Your story will be featured on the front page of the website for all to read as well as prominently featured in the BayWatch.

8. Gift Subscriptions – A Gift Subscription to the BayWatch newsletter can be granted when a current CBHSNA member in good standing sells a Cleveland Bay Horse (of any blood percentage) to a new CB enthusiast or to someone who is currently not a member. This “Gift Subscription” will only be valid for the remainder of that particular calendar year in which the horse was purchased.

9. Promotional materials – Members attending shows and expositions may request color “handouts,” and may borrow one or more CBHSNA-owned banners for such events by paying a small deposit (refundable upon safe return of the banner(s)). Members may also purchase Society banners. For details, please email the Society at or contact the Secretary directly

Bylaws & Membership Application


Copyright © 2023 Cleveland Bay Horse Society of North America, Inc.  All rights reserved